Are all wood pellets the same?


Last Update 3 years ago

No, certainly not. We are lucky enough in Ireland to have a plentiful supply of good quality wood pellets, some of which are manufactured here in Ireland and others that are imported. All wood pellets for stove use should comply with the EN Plus standard and be Class A1; this will always be clearly marked on the pellet packaging of compliant wood pellets.

Class A1 wood pellets are the premium quality standard for use in household boilers and stoves. They produce the least amount of ash and fulfil the highest requirements for quality. They are also pure wood and contain no artificial binders or other additives.

Most wood pellets available in Ireland are of softwood origin and offer a calorific value of between 4.6 and 4.95kWh/kg. Good quality pellets should average at least 20-25mm long, should not be dusty and should not crumble easy in your hand.

Note: If you don’t see the EN Plus and A1 symbols on the packaging, we would recommend that you seek out a different wood pellet supplier.

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