How do wood pellet prices compare with oil, solid fuel and gas?


Last Update 3 years ago

This will of course depend on the current prices of each fuel. At the time of writing, a 15kg bag of high quality wood pellets costs €5.50 in most retailers. This makes wood pellet less expensive than oil, bulk gas and purchased solid fuel or kiln-dried wood. As carbon taxes increase on fossil fuels (there is no carbon tax on wood pellets), the cost difference is set to increase further.

Should you be in a position to be able to purchase a pallet of wood pellets at once or buy pellets loose in larger bulk, you can avail of further discounts too.

If you cut your own turf, then you may not account for your labour cost in which case, turf would work out cheaper, however, if you switched to wood pellet, you would eliminate all those days on the bog, never need to worry about rain and free up lots of space in your shed!

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