Can a wood pellet boiler be installed on an open-vented system?


Last Update 3 months ago

Yes it can, HOWEVER, we always strongly recommend that your system is sealed before installing any heating system! There are a number of reasons why your heating system should be sealed:

  • More reliable and no cleaning - no header tanks or ball valves to go wrong or be cleaned.
  • Less corrosion - no oxygen or other contaminants entering the system.
  • Better working pressure - pressure can be set in line with manufacturer preferences for optimal operation.
  • More compact - all parts contained in plant room make it easier to service and maintain.
  • Quickly identify leaks - your boiler will warn of a pressure drop which can immediately be investigated.
Usually, sealing an open system is not very expensive and would be recommended in most cases.

However, should you need your system to work on an open system for whatever reason, many pellet boilers can be set up to do so. Most manufacturers don't recommend it though so it may void your product warranty. Check with your supplier before deciding.

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